Our History

Wollastons galvanic battery.

Covid 19 acted both as a mirror and crystal ball for the world. It showed us the devastation
we humans have caused to our planet. It highlighted the problems we face in modern soceity such as weak healthcare, social inequalities, environmental degradation and climate change. The pandemic resulted in some of the purest water and clearest skies being visible and whilst health became a priority, materialistic desires ceased to exist. The pandemic taught us am imprtant lesson. It is necessary to restore our planet to its former glory by reducing the emissions, creating less landfills, etc. It is this desire and need to create a better world that led to the existence of CIpher Neutron.


The idea is to shift progress of economies from non-renewable energy to renewable energy ensuring humanity can continue to take leaps towards development without sacrificing the future of upcoming generations.

Our CEO, Mr. Gurjant Randhawa proposed the idea of mutual collaboration with experienced scientists, engineers and researchers in clean energy to overcome issues towards Green Hydrogen Economy. This idea became a reality in 2021 with the introduction of Cipher Neutron, a clean tech company focused on AEM Electrolysers and Reversible Fuel Cells.


In 2023, Cipher Neutron and dynaCERT Catapult into the Hydrogen Economy establishing an International R&D Facility in the Greater Toronto Area